Shining Lights, Week 10, Term 1, 2022
Celebrating New Life
Next week our current Year 12 students will finally get their Senior Retreat up in Jindabyne. Normally in Term 4 at the beginning of their HSC journey, this retreat is designed to provide students an opportunity to be rejuvenated, to refocus and reconnect with each other as they prepare to begin a new stage of life.
As we get closer to Easter, when Christians celebrate hope in a risen Christ, we can all plan to use the long weekend as our own personal retreat: to be rejuvenated by being in nature; to refocus on the importance of service, especially towards those in need; and to reconnect with family and friends.
The key events in Holy Week exemplify what we hope our Year 12 cohort, and all students, aspire to be.
- Justice advocates - who "wash the feet" of others: demonstrating servant leadership, promoting unity and a sense of gratitude (Eucharist means "Thanksgiving")
- Contemplative - reflecting on our relationship with others, "praying in the garden" and trusting that we are not alone during times of struggle
- Hopeful - the paradox of Good Friday is the essence of the Good News (Gospel): that nobody is perfect and yet God's grace saves us all
- Joyful - like those first disciples to encounter Jesus after his resurrection, sharing their excitement with others and seeing life with a new perspective.
Please consider attending at least one of the Easter services over the long weekend ... You may find that by retreating into a Church and reconnecting with the Parish community, you'll return to the busy-ness of the everyday with a sense of New Life.
Wishing you and your families a peaceful and blessed Easter and rejuvenating holiday break.
Stage 6 SLR
Year 11 SLR were lucky enough to have ex-student and local physio Charlie Shepherd come in to offer his expertise on sports strapping techniques. Charlie deepened the student's skillset on shoulder, elbow, finger and thumb strapping.
Students have been studying a unit on Sports injuries and strapping over the term to broaden their understanding of current first aid practices when athletes injure themselves. We would like to thank Charlie and Sapphire Physio for their ongoing support with this unit and wish all the students the best as they try to obtain their local Sapphire Physio strapping certificate.
Year 7 iHum Living Museum
This week our Year 7 iHum students saw their term’s work culminate in their Living Museums presentations. This afternoon saw a wide variety of creative insights shared by students with their peers, teachers and parents. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Stage 6 Assessments
Congratulations to our Year 11 and 12 students for the way they are approaching the ongoing Assessment Tasks. Throughout Stage 6 there is always pressure points where assessment schedules can feel daunting, however our students are showing real grot in taking on these challenges. A reminder that if for any reason an assessment task cannot be completed/submitted on the due date, students must complete a Summative Assessment Variation form and provide evidence as to the medical or compassionate reason(s). We will support students in every reasonable way, however to ensure transparency and consistency, evidence is required.
Learning and Behaviour Focus
Our Primary Focus for learning and behaviour over the next two weeks is a review of all our previous areas of focus.
Cyber Safety
Throughout Term 1 there have been some instances where students in Primary have had to be spoken to about the correct use of ipads/computers at home. This issue is an opportunity for parents at home to think about some key questions in relation to children and what they are accessing at home on an ipad, phone or computer.
- Are the games/social networks appropriate for your child’s age? Both the physical age of your child and their level of maturity and resilience can affect their ability to have positive experiences on social media. Each social media site and app has its own criteria for minimum age requirements. Most require users to be at least 13 years of age before they can register. Did you know that Instagram, Tiktok and other social networks are aged 13 and above?
- Do you know who your child is talking with or playing with?
Ensure your child knows that they should only make connections with people they know 'offline'.
- What content is your child putting online?
Is your child posting personal information that allows people to identify and locate them, for example photos of them in their school uniform.
- Do you check your child’s ipad use of messaging apps and emails?
It is important to be aware of the types and content of messages your child is sending to their friends. Children should work out how they want to be treated and treat other people the same for example, only leave positive comments. Parents should be monitoring what is said and done by their children online. - Is your child posting harmful content?
The harmful content could be a post, comment, text, message, chat, livestream, meme, image, video or email. It can be sent or shared via an online or electronic service or platform such as a social media service, email service, chat app, interactive online game, forum or website.
- Does your child have the right security settings on the apps or platforms they are using? Is your child’s privacy protected with the correct security settings selected?
- Have you set boundaries and rules around device use?
Does your child know when they can use it, for how long and where they should be using their device. - Have you reassessed device use now students are back at school?
Now COVID-19 restrictions have eased and students are interacting at school, is it necessary for them to message and chat after school on a device. Most interactions can wait until they see their friends the next day where a face to face conversation may be more appropriate.
A great way to guide primary aged students is through the use of parental controls. Parental controls are software tools available on your devices that allow you to monitor and limit what your child sees and does online.
They can be set up to do things like:
- Block your child from accessing specific websites, apps or functions (like using a device’s camera, or the ability to buy things).
- Filter different kinds of content — such as ‘adult’ or sexual content, content that may promote self-harm, eating disorders, violence, drugs, gambling, racism and terrorism.
- Allow you to monitor your child’s use of connected devices, with reports on the sites they visit and the apps they use, how often and for how long.
- Set time limits, blocking access after a set time.
We encourage students to “Speak Up” to parents, teachers or a trusted adult if technology use is affecting them in a negative way. Hopefully this is some food for thought and will open up some conversations between you and child about Cybersafety.
Primary STEM in Year 2
Inspired by the tadpoles growing in our drains and frogs found around our College, Year 2 are designing and building a frog habitat in STEM. Today the students got dirty, weeding the garden and turning over the soil. They also enjoyed taking a closer look at the creatures found in the garden using magnifying glasses.
Swimming News ...
Year 6 student, Kane Badewitz, returned from competing at the NSW Catholic Primary Schools Swimming Championships at Homebush in Sydney. He came first in his heat and 11th overall. Congratulations on a great achievement. |
Good luck to Year 7 student Molly Greenwood who will compete at the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges Swimming Championships at Homebush on April 6 2022.
Rugby League Success!
Our Open’s Boys 9 a side team took on Eden High in a night game last Friday night. The boys played exceptionally well winning both games convincingly.
On Thursday our 15’s boys league team played in the Country Cup – they needed to beat Bega high by 26 points to take out the day, which they did by 36 points. Thank you to Mr Crowley for coaching both teams.
The girls 14’s and Open’s 9’s girls league will play on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 in Narooma. Good luck to both teams.
Congratulations to Hayden Whitton who was successful with his selection in the Western Rugby League team. He will now play at the Southern Country trials in Wagga in May. |
Mountain Bike Riding - Lumen "Schralps" it at Thredbo
That's right they Schralped! ... Speeding through tight turns and berms, applying downward pressure on brakes, spitting up dirt, damaging the trail, looking gnasty.
A huge congratulations to Oliver and Eliza Dinwoodie and River Guthrie who competed at the Thredbo Australian Mountain Biking Interschools Championships.
The Australian MTB Interschools were held at Thredbo from Wednesday, 23 March to Sunday, 27 March 2022. There were over 200 schools competing and over 1,000 students racing from Year 5 to Year 12. The sun was shining and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation of what was to come.
Lumen Christi was represented by Oliver Dinwoodie and River Guthrie in the Division 2 Category (Year 9/10) and by Eliza Dinwoodie in Division 3 Category (Year 7/8). The students could compete in races from the Maxxis All Mountain Assault, Flow Motion Downhill, Osprey X-Country, Oakley Downhill Cannonball and Rockshox Pump Track Party.
Our Bega Valley Community is amazing as our three students were taken under the wing by members of the Tathra Mountain Bike Club and they were able to link up with the fantastic crew of parents, teachers and students from Bega High, Eden Marine and Tathra Primary. They helped run our small group of riders through the various events, helping with coaching, moral support and mechanical issues.
Our group of riders competed well and did LCCC proud as they were competitive in all their races and persevered despite crashes and mechanical issues. The stand out performance was Eliza who finished on the podium in 3rd place in the Osprey X-Country event.
Interschools was a wonderful experience for our riders and they already have plans for next year’s competition.
On Monday, 28 March 2022, Year 3 and 4 students participated in an AFL gala day. Gala days are a great opportunity for children to develop their gross motor skills including hand, eye and foot coordination, throwing and catching, balance and body awareness programs in AFL, whilst meeting new friends and having fun.
Good luck to our Primary netball team who play in the Canberra Goulburn Diocesan netball championships on Friday, 1 April 2022. Lets hope this years trip is not as ‘adventurous’ as last years!
SESA Netball Program ...
LCCC K-12 K’s for Caritas at our Crazy Cross Country
This year our Cross Country will be held on Monday, 4 April 2022!
The Carnival will be for Kinder to Year 12 students and include a "Crazy Hair & Sock Day" and "Run for Caritas Ks Day". The Carnival will commence at recess and conclude at approximately 3:00pm.
Students can wear mufti, crazy hair and socks!
Best dressed prizes will be awarded, in return students are encouraged to make a gold coin donation which will go towards Project Caritas.
There will be activities after your running race. Let's have some fun!
It will be a great day with running, music, a coffee van, and lots of other activities. The cafe will be doing pre ordered toasties and hot dogs, and a canteen will be set up on the oval with other food for sale.
Caritas K's ...
Every day, millions of people walk long distances to school, to gather food or to retrieve water. Sponsor us as we clock up kilometres to raise money for Project Compassion.
Unfortunately, spectators at this event will be limited to school staff only due to current Covid regulations.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Megan Hergenhan by emailing