College Updates Term 3 Week 10 - 26 Sept 24
End of Term 3 Messages
We Will Rock You !! - Tickets now available
Position Vacant - 2025 HSIE Classroom Teacher
Academic Insights Program
Hospitality Career Start
ANU - STEM Challenges Series
Service NSW in Merimbula
Nipper Information Flyer
Spring School Holidays at the BVSC Library
Little Red Riding Hood
School Holidays - National Parks & Wildlife Services
AFL Holiday Program
Monday 14 Oct | |
Tuesday 15 Oct |
School Musical Week |
Wednesday 16 Oct |
School Musical Week |
Thursday 17 Oct |
HSC Exams School Musical Performance |
Friday 18 Oct |
HSC Exams School Musical Performance |
19-20 December are both Pupil Free Days
These dates may be subject to change at the discretion of the College. Any changes will be advised to parents and carers via Schoolzine.
From Shane Giles Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of Term 3, I wish all families a restful term break. This week, we farewelled our Year 12 group from the College as their classes concluded. The celebrations were wonderful, filled with the excitements and friendships which become so focussed in this time. Students conducted themselves with absolute dignity, celebrating the time they had here. It was such a lovey thing to be part of as they showed throughout the week what it means to be part of the Lumen Community.
The week started with dress ups and fun, a staff and student lunch and CAPA Showcase Evening. Tuesday’s highlight was the Graduation Mass, and Wednesday was the family breakfast and Farewell Assembly. Please have a look at our Facebook page for the photos.
We come back next term to Summer Uniform. Year 11 commence their HSC courses, and we start the process to nominate our new student leaders and College Captains.
Enjoy the spring weather through the break, stay safe, and Be The Light of Christ.
From Antoinette Woods - Acting Assistant Principal
Staffing Changes
At the end of this term we say goodbye to Emma Hassan and Simone Hillyer. Emma, a Lumen graduate herself, will be moving to Melbourne to continue inspiring young minds and Simone, our Fees Officer, is going to be working directly for Catholic Education Canberra-Goulburn. We wish them both the very best for their future and thank them for their dedication to our community.
Rod Fish and Kathy Wels will be taking Leave for all of Term 4 and Naomi Aigner is taking Leave for the first four weeks.
Alicia Kelly returns from Maternity Leave on Mondays and Fridays to share the wonderful Year 4K class with Lynda Wylie, who will teach the class Tues, Wed, Thurs.
In Term 4, there will be the following changes in staffing
Class |
Current Teacher |
Term 4 Teacher |
Year 4K |
Lynda Wylie |
Alicia Kelly/Lynda Wylie |
11 Legal |
Emma Hassan |
Emma Hibbert |
8 HSIE |
Emma Hibbert |
Zoe Pentin |
7 IHUM |
Emma Hassan |
Zoe Pentin |
9 Commerce |
Emma Hassan |
Zoe Pentin |
11 Ancient History |
Rod Fish |
Tara Nicol |
10 HSIE |
Rod Fish |
Zoe Pentin |
9 Eng |
Kathy Wels |
Caron Etherington |
10 Eng |
Kathy Wels |
Caron Etherington |
8 Eng |
Kathy Wels |
Caron Etherington |
First 4 Weeks |
Naomi Aigner's classes |
Marianne Kambouridis |
First 4 Weeks |
Marianne Kambouridis' classes |
Aly Hulley-Jeffries |
HSIE Classroom Teacher for 2025. Position Description below. Applications close 13/10/2024. Apply here !
Academic Insights Program (5-15 January) – Enrolments Now Open!
The 11-day summer school program at St Paul’s College (The University of Sydney) is accepting enrolments for the following areas of study:
- Medicine
- Engineering
- Veterinary Studies
- Psychology
- Business Management
- Creative Writing
The summer school in Sydney is a unique opportunity to experience living and studying in one of Australia’s most renowned universities. The program provides ambitious high-school students (aged 13-18) from around the world with an unrivalled university life and cultural experience. As well as meeting new friends and being involved in various activities, by being part of this program, you will benefit from expert teaching, blended with admissions sessions and essential skills development. Each subject area follows a specifically-designed summer school syllabus, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application.
For more details and enrolment: NIE Careers - Academic Insights
This event series is an opportunity for high school and college students around the world to participate in fun and hands-on weekly challenges on a range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics.
Registration is essential and will stay open throughout the activity period. The challenges will run from 1 to 29 October 2024.
Little Red Riding Hood at Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre
A fun-filled fractured fairy tale with educational messages. Little Red loves her Granny and her neighbourhood! She’s like a super-hero in a hoodie- watching her neighbour’s houses while they’re away and always on the lookout for litterbugs and people who don’t know how to recycle. Her mottos are ‘Keep Australia Beautiful’ and ‘Be a Recycle Super-Hero’. Everyone in ‘the hood’ thinks Red is pretty amazing! Of course, every story has a troublemaker and this one has Walter – The Big Bad Wolf. He’s not really that big or bad ...more like medium-sized and cheeky, but he does leave rubbish all over the place and has no idea about recycling. Walter can smell the awesome chocolate cake Granny’s got cooking and he’s on a mission to get the first bite of the cake… and Granny…oh no!! Will Little Red get there first and save her Granny… and the awesome chocolate cake?
Come along and find out!